Capcom Game Sales Reach All-Time High at Over 41 Million Units Sold in Latest Fiscal Year

capcom game sales

Capcom seems to be raking it in terms of game sales according to the video game company’s most recent financial report. The Japanese firm managed to sell a total of 41.7 million video game copies worldwide during its latest fiscal year, an increase by a whopping 9.1 million units over the year before.

Here’s the full table displaying all the sales numbers:

While the table doesn’t show off sales for each game individually, it does break down the values into various categories. Both Japan and overseas sales have increased over the year prior, with overseas sales taking up a little more than 80% of the total sales count. Almost 90% of the sales were done digitally, with only 4.4 million physical copies of video games sold throughout the year.

Finally, it’s worth noting that almost 30% of sales were attributed to “new units,” which Capcom refers to games that were released within the given fiscal year. For Fiscal Year 2023, that’d be Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and the Resident Evil 4 remake. The Resident Evil 4 remake did very well as far as Capcom games are concerned, with over four million units sold in a couple of weeks, with the first three million being achieved in just two days. You can read our review of the RE4 remake here.

With Capcom continuing to release more AAA titles, such as the upcoming Street Fighter 6, it will be interesting to see if the company will be able to top its already impressive performance from last year.

Source: Capcom Fiscal Year Financial Report

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