GTA Online Easter Egg Contains Cryptic Message That Could Be Hinting at GTA6 or Aliens

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A GTA Online Easter egg has been discovered on a T-shirt, and players are speculating as to what it actually means (or if it’s somehow connected to Grand Theft Auto 6). The Easter egg was part of the new San Andreas Mercenaries update for GTA Online which just launched yesterday (You can check the patch notes for the update here).

In the update, a shirt mysteriously titled “??? Tee” was included among the new cosmetics, and while it does seem like a simple printed tee at first glance, the numbers found around the shirt actually hide a secret message of sorts. The numbers are actually written in an A1Z26 cipher, which is a fancy term for a hidden message containing letters replaced with numbers. A is replaced with 1, B is replaced with 2, and so on. When decrypted, the string of numbers reading “15140504012523091212180522050112011212” actually translates to “ONE DAY WILL REVEAL ALL.”

gta online easter egg

It’s an ominous message, but while many may jump the gun and speculate that it has something to do with GTA 6, the message is vague enough that it could refer to basically anything. In fact, the shirt itself is already mysterious enough, with a humanoid-shaped face surrounded by odd symbols. The message could very well be there to add flavor to the print and nothing more.

Over on Twitter, YouTuber LegayKillaHD theorizes that it could be aliens coming to GTA Online. This is further backed up by datamining, where assets with numbers were found that state “Connect The Line” and “We Are Watching” in addition to a bunch of Halloween-themed content coming later this year.

That hasn’t stopped many from making guesses, though, as can be seen among the replies to this Twitter post. One reply reads, “Looks like the GTA 6 dripfeed has begun,” with another stating “Hell of a find ladies and gents. Hopefully we get a trailer THIS year.”

With the GTA 6 leaks last year, it’s technically not entirely out of the question that the message is referring to the upcoming game.

Source: GTANet, LegacyKillaHD

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11 months ago

It might be an easter egg or just players overreacting or looking into things alittle to much and making something from nothing.

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