Lords of the Fallen Update 1.023 Rolled Out for Hotfix 398 This Dec. 15

Lords of the Fallen update 1.040

Following yesterday’s big Season of Revelry patch, HexWorks has released Lords of the Fallen update 1.023, and this is to usher in new fixes that stemmed from the large patch. Called LOTF hotfix 398, read on for the new update patch notes for December 15.

Lords of the Fallen Update 1.023 Patch Notes | LOTF Hotfix 398 Patch Notes for Dec. 15:

Hotfix 398

We’ve identified an issue with multiplayer connectivity and crossplay, which prevented some players to properly use the online functionality of the game resulting in failed automatic online log ins and increased matchmaking disconnects. We identified the issue, fixed it, ran internal tests and decided to hotfix the game today. Thanks for reporting and your continuous support.

That’s about it for this title update. Don’t expect any significant patches for the game until after the holidays, but it’s good to know we might still get smaller patches for fixes.

Source: Steam

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