Marvel’s Avengers Jane Foster Abilities Featured & Listed in Latest War Table

Marvel's Avengers Update 1.000.049

Crystal Dynamics is set to unleash title update 2.5 for Marvel’s Avengers tomorrow, which will bring in The Mighty Thor Jane Foster into the fray. Before that, the studio has given fans a look at the Marvel’s Avengers Jane Foster abilities in the latest War Table that aired today!

Marvel’s Avengers Jane Foster Abilties and Overview | Marvel’s Avengers The Mighty Thor Abilities and Overview:

Check out the War Table episode below, or read on for the details!

Intrinsic Ability:

All-Mother’s Blessing – All-Mother’s Blessing builds its overcharge meter with melee attacks.


God Tempest – Once full, she unleashes her God Tempest, which increases ranged hammer damage and creates shockwaves with each hit.

All Mother’s Blessing and God Tempest can be modified with Mastery skills to boost damage, increase the strength of shockwaves, and improve Intrinsic generation and duration.

Ultimate Heroic:

The All-Weapon – her brand-new Ultimate Heroic. Drawn from the pages of her Thor and Valkyrie runs, Jane sends Mjolnir to seek and destroy nearby enemy targets. Meanwhile, she calls forth the All-Weapon Undrjarn to protect her, reducing all damage taken while smiting her foes.

The All-Weapon has a full set of specializations and allows you to customize Mjolnir’s strikes, making them faster and channeling a powerful shock status against nearby enemies. Jane can even use Mjolnir as a personal orbiting defense shield.


Players can also expect more finesse with Jane Foster compared to Odison, and this includes Quick Fire, a new ranged attack combo that allows the Mighty Thor to make a second more powerful ranged attack by timing her next throw as she catches Mjolnir on its return.

Jane’s abilities, such as her Ranged Power Attack, also draw their inspiration from the epic combat in the comics. A notable example of this is the Seek and Pin upgrade to her Ranged Attack, which empowers Mjolnir to seek out and pin enemies without needing to aim.

Her expert control even extends to melee strikes with Earth’s Finest, which adds a hammer toss to her light attack combo for extra reach. Jane also puts her own spin on classic Odinson moves like Headstrong. She relies on her Thunderkick – a brutal front kick  to send enemies flying.


Due to their similar origins, Jane will share many Gear Perks with Thor; when looking at gear stats, these perks will feature Thor’s icon (Mjolnir). Gear Perks that are unique to Jane with have her icon and feature hero-specific specialization. For example:

  • Classic Set Gear Perks will focus on perk synergy and highlight range-focused abilities while improving the capability of each heroic attack.
  • Critical Recall: When returning to your hand, any target hit with your hammer will be a critical hit.
  • Lethal Ranged Hammer Restoration: Defeating an enemy with a ranged hammer attack drops a Regen pack.
  • Technical Set Gear Perks will focus more on her overcharged mechanic and how it differs from Thor.
  • Unarmed Overdrive: Unarmed attacks generate 15% more Overcharge energy per attack.
  • Lethal Rampant Extension: Defeating enemies while God Tempest is active will extend the duration of the ability by 2.5 seconds.
  • Apex Set Gear Perks will tie into Jane’s Heroic Ultimate ability.
  • Ultimate Cryo Hazzard: Activating an Ultimate Heroic on the ground creates a Cryo Hazard.

Crystal Dynamics has also mentioned that they have added hero-specific perks to teh Discrodant gear set as well. While Jane Foster has a few new perks that’s exclusive for her, Thor Odinson will be able to obtain it in the future as well, though no specific timetable has been given.

Once the title update is out tomorrow, we’ll be sure to let our readers know. Check out Jane Foster’s Outfits that she’ll be able to wear in the game right here.

Source: Avengers Square Enix

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