Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Loot, Seasons, HUD Options, and More Detailed

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Loot

Rocksteady held a massive Q&A session on Discord for their upcoming new title, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. They were asked plenty of questions and provided plenty of answers, and now we have a better idea of how things work in-game, as details behind the Suicide Squad game’s loot, seasons, HUD options, episodes, and so much more have been revealed.

Below you’ll find a summary of some of the biggest answers provided during their Q&A.

Campaign Replay, Difficulty Levels, New Game Plus, Solo Play, and Matchmaking

First up on the discussion is the campaign! For those wondering, yes, you can play the entire campaign solo, something Rocksteady previously confirmed. But what’s new is that even after you beat the campaign, you can replay it again (in any order) without starting over via mission select.

As for the difficulty levels, new players can pick from the traditional levels of easy, medium, and hard, with five more difficulties above hard unlocking once you beat the game.

Rocksteady mentions this being like New Game Plus since the new difficulties will be available for every mission, including the campaign. There’s an incentive to play through them, too, as the new difficulties bring new rewards.

You can even solo the end-game content if you want to.

But maybe you aren’t a lone wolf player and want to play with friends; what kind of matchmaking systems are in place? Here’s what Rocksteady had to share.

  • Private games are invite only. If you want to play solo or have more control over who can join your Squad, this is the one for you. The only players that can join you here are the ones you decide to invite. When you play solo and not on a server, the game is paused while you’re in menus.
  • Open to Friends is an online session where anyone on your Friends list can join your Squad without first receiving an invite.
  • Public is an online session where you matchmake into a Squad with other players who are at, or slightly before, your current Story progress.

An additional option dubbed “Matchmaking themes” was also revealed, letting players matchmake with others playing similar content. There are mastery levels to this, which unlock more themes.

Seasons Structures And Episodes Explained

It’s been known for some time that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League would bring new story elements, characters, levels, and much more, but what many were wondering is how they’ll be structured in terms of releases and how long players will need to wait until the next season starts. According to Rocksteady, players should expect seasons to last roughly three months. Here’s a bit on how they’re structured.

  • Each season will be themed around a new playable character.
  • Each season adds a new Elseworld.
  • Each season is divided into two episodes, each lasting 6 weeks.
  • Each episode will have new gear, missions, and boss fights.

This won’t cost players additional money outside of the battle passes. The nice thing is that even when a season is over, you can go back and play them, including the episodes.

I suppose the next question you’re wondering is, what are episodes?

  • They’re drops within the Seasons that offer unique experiences.
  • Episodes will last about six weeks before the next one starts. Two in each season.
  • They feature new unique Infamy Sets, Notorious items and Legendary items, gameplay modifiers, and mutators, and new missions across Metropolis and the new Elseworld, including new Incursion missions, a Mayhem mission, and a new Boss encounter.
  • Brainiac will evolve during each episode, countering your builds and sending stronger forces after you.

You could almost view them as additional season updates, one that is available at the start, with the other available midway through the season.

Too Much on The HUD? Well, You Can Turn Most of It Off

One of the biggest criticisms around Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is that the HUD appeared to be super cluttered in some of the recent gameplay videos. Luckily, Rocksteady confirmed that the HUD could be turned off, with a good amount of options for players to toggle on and off. And what might these options be? Well, have a check.

  • HUD
  • Mini-map
  • Aiming Reticle
  • Larger Persistent Center Dot
  • Enemy Health Bars
  • Enemy Health Bar Prompts
  • Damage Number
  • Player Markers
  • Player Names
  • Incoming Damage Indicators
  • Dynamic Tutorials
  • Combat Flair Challenges
  • Fullscreen Effects
  • Health/Shield Effects

You can expect more HUD options to drop during and after Episode 1, Season 1.

  • Health/Shield Bars
  • XP Bar
  • Mission Objectives
  • D-Pad Input prompts
  • Traversal Attack, Suicide Strike and Squad Ultimate abilities
  • HUD Input prompts
  • Traversal Bars

No Gear Levels, No Worries. This Is How Loot Works In Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

It may be a looter shooter, but Rocksteady is taking a different approach to gear progression. Rather than use gear levels, gear is categorized into levels: uncommon, rare, and epic. It is a traditional looter system, but this is where things get a little crazier.

Each gear has an augmented slot, with the amount available being based on the rarity. Regardless of that, you can slot any rarity of augmentation into that slot. The philosophy behind this is that Rocksteady wants you to get loot that feels good while also having the power to “perfect a gear piece” to your liking. There are some systems that players can use to modify loot that Rocksteady detailed.

  • Crafting is what you would expect, and all loot you earn through the Story are also added as Crafting recipes so you can easily craft them if you happen to get rid of an item you earned early in the game.
  • Overhaul rerolls all the augments on a piece of loot, which gives you a way to reroll the item without worrying about having to do sacrifices to the loot gods to try and get that piece of loot again.
  • Modification let’s you reroll any augment on an item, and you get to pick from three new random augments (or keep the one you have). Once you’ve rerolled that augment you’re locked into just being able to reroll that augment (i.e. if you reroll an Uncommon augment on item, you’re then locked into only being able to reroll the Uncommon augment for another Uncommon augment).
  • T.O.T.E.S. let’s you reroll an augment, but it let’s you pick the augment you want to roll from a list of possible augments. So where Modification presents you with a list of random augments with random stat ranges, T.O.T.E.S. let’s you straight up pick the augment you want to roll and then you get to pick from a list of three permutations of that augment.
  • Eliting is insanely powerful because this unlocks the ability to Modify or T.O.T.E.S. not just one augment but ALL augments on an item. In short, Eliting gives you the control to perfect the augments of an item to suit your build and playstyle.
  • Supercharging lets you upgrade the Afflictions on an item to make its effect last even longer on enemies.
  • Firearm Upgrades – Any Uncommon, Rare, Epic or Legendary firearm levels up when you use it, and you earn points that can be applied to five different categories of firearm attributes: Accuracy, Stability, Zoom, Reload Speed and Mag Size. Each of these attributes can be upgraded up to three times. The maximum points available on a firearm depends on the rarity, where a Legendary firearm can get up to 15 levels which makes it possible to maximise all the attributes on that firearm if you use it for long enough.

Rocksteady didn’t specify if loot was boss/mission specific, but based on their answer, it sounds like it won’t be since every gear piece should be viable. Builds, and how you can synergize them, will play an important role.

Do You Need a PS + or Xbox Game Pass Subscription to Play?

Despite being an always-online title (for now), you DO NOT need a PS + or Xbox Game Pass subscription if you are planning on playing solo. However, if you plan on playing with friends or random, you will need a subscription. PC players play free, regardless.

There were other answers they provided during their Q&A on Discord, but for the most, these were what we thought were the most significant questions.

Quite a lot of new information here, and it seems like Rocksteady has a solid plan for the game. Whether that’ll be enough for it to survive in the long run is anyone’s guess, but for those looking forward to it, some of these new details should be pretty exciting.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will make its way out this Feb. 2 on PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC, with early access starting Jan. 30.

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