Valve Registers New Trademark for “Neon Prime” Intended for Game Software

valve neon prime

Valve, the company that brought us the Left 4 Dead and Half-Life franchises, has registered a new trademark for something called “Neon Prime.”

The filing at the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) mentions the filing is for “trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of computer game software, electronic game software, video game software, computer game programs downloadable via the internet. [all]”

While Valve is known primarily as the company behind the online retail platform Steam, and the newly released portable gaming PC the Steam Deck, the company also has quite a history of published games, too. Aside from the Half-Life franchise, there’s the Portal franchise, Counter-Strike, Dota 2, and more. Valve’s latest software release is Aperture Desk Job,which is a tech demo that showcases the controller functions of the Steam Deck.

Is Neon Prime the start of a new gaming franchise? Once we know more, we’ll let our readers know.

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