XDefiant Echelon Class Pulled From Test, as Bugs Surface Making the Class OP; Spiderbot Pulled Due to “Last-Minute Bug”

If you’re playing the XDefiant server test and noticed the Splinter Cell class isn’t available, it’s not a bug, but the devs have pulled the Echelon faction entirely, and it seems tied to a bug making the class OP (overpowered).

One of the abilities the Echelon class has access to is the Ghillie Suit, which lets the player turn invisible with a press of a button, and the player will only show up after a certain period of time, or if they fire their weapon. Well, it seems this ran into issues, as the Ghillie Suit was removed due to an issue that made the player stay invisible for long periods of time even if they fire their weapon.

Unfortunately, that seems to not have done the trick, and now the Echelon faction has been removed entirely because of the same issues.

For those keeping score, this s the third item pulled, as the DedSec’s spider-bot ability is also unavailable in the server test due to a last-minute bug.

Well, this is what a test session is for, right? Hopefully, the devs find a solution to these issues before the game launches.

For more on XDefiant, go read up on the changes made from the beta client we had last year, to the session test client now.

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