Report: GTA 6 Reveal Coming This Week, With First Trailer Dropping in December

GTA 6 Reveal

In February 2022, Rockstar Games noted that development on the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto franchise was “well underway”. Since then, fans have eagerly awaited the official reveal, and it appears that we are just days away from the GTA 6 announcement.

According to a report from Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier who’s been reliable on these things, the GTA 6 reveal is scheduled for this week, with the first trailer for the game expected to be released in December.

Even though it hasn’t been officially revealed, GTA 6 has been making headlines for the past year. First, there was a significant leak that unveiled some gameplay elements and the main characters, but the information was subsequently taken down.

Additionally, a rating for the game was discovered on the Australian Ratings Board, where it received an MA-15 rating. Furthermore, a Reddit user managed to uncover a patent related to GTA 6’s “highly dynamic and realistic animations.”

Of course, this is still a rumor until proven otherwise, so take it with a gran of salt still. That said, given Schreier ‘s track record, don’t be surprised if we see an official announcement in the next couple of days. And there is The Game Awards in December, which is the perfect venue to drop a trailer for the game.

Given how the franchise is probably the biggest in gaming, expect a ton of feedback and whatnot to seep out of the announcement/reveal. Let’s just hope it’s not just a title/logo reveal and we actually see some gameplay.

Source: Bloomberg

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6 months ago

Looking forward to GTA6 1p campaign, but not a fan of GTA online because of modded accounts with jailbroke software like Save Wizards, money drops and lag switches.

R* report feature is useless, they never do anything about the amount of cheaters online except ban the account. Then the player just creates an alt account and continues where they left off.

If they MAC banned the players IP address then not even a new account can sign back in from the same IP address. Unfortunately devs can ban players from their servers but not from Xbox Live or PSN.

Last edited 6 months ago by Nikki_boagreis

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