Modern Warfare 2: Testing Reveals “Recoil Smoothness” Gun Attachment Buff Is Fake

Modern Warfare 2 recoil smoothness

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Infinity Ward has implemented some changes to the Gunsmith gun customization system, and what gun attachments can do to benefit (or penalize) gamers. One of the new attachment values players might see in the game is what’s called “recoil smoothness.”

While the game is vague on just what smoothness does to help with recoil, gamers more than likely assume that it helps decrease it somewhat, right? Well, apparently, that’s not the case, as testing has proven that the “Recoil Smoothness” buff in every gun attachment does NOT do anything at all. 

This was proven by YouTuber and Call of Duty stats wizard Xclusive Ace. In a new video, he did a side-by-side of guns and how recoil smoothness affected guns, and lo and behold, it didn’t! Here are screenshots proving it

As you can see, the M4 assault rifle, and the Lachman MP5 machinegun recoil values didn’t change or lessen one bit when an attachment with recoil smoothness was used. 

Did Infinity Ward make a mistake with this? I doubt it, given how many attachments in the game have this attribute. Will it be fixed? I honestly can’t say, but for players’ sake, let’s hope it is.

In other Modern Warfare 2 news, a patch was released earlier today, which reinstated attachment tuning and more! Read on here for the complete patch notes.

You can watch Xclusive Ace’s video of it below.

More Modern Warfare 2 Reading:

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