Overwatch 2 Mercy and Symmetra Changes Incoming After Beta Feedback

Overwatch 2 mercy changes

If you’re part of the Overwatch 2 beta, and you’ve noticed a drop-off in people playing Mercy and Symmetra, you’re not far off. Blizzard has acknowledged the feedback regarding the two heroes, and have announced that changes are incoming for both!

Incoming Mercy Changes:

Blizzard has touched on how Mercy’s “super jump” which was a move found in OW1, was an unintentional ability. Given how community embraced this bug, and it didn’t exactly break the game, the studio decided to incorporate it into Mercy’s moveset officially in Overwatch 2. However, things haven’t gone according to plan, and here are some of the changes incoming to Mercy:


After the patch, Guardian Angel will not automatically launch Mercy into the air, but it will now have a meter that charges while the ability is active. When cancelling Guardian Angel with Jump, Mercy will now be launched into the direction she is facing. The more charge she gets during the ability, the more momentum the launch has when she cancels it with Jump. We’re looking forward to seeing how the community engages with this ability in the beta to get Mercy ready for the Overwatch 2 launch! 

Incoming Symmetra Changes:

This is a tough one, as Symmetra’s complete gameplay style as a hero seems to be contradicting what Overwatch 2’s mantra is all about. There are less tanks on the field which means that Symmetra’s weapon has less charge and thus deals less damage. Check out some of the planned changes coming to this DPS hero:

  • Secondary Fire projectile size increased from .4 back to .5
  • Secondary Fire charge time reduced from 1.2 seconds back to 1 second
  • Teleporter cooldown reduced from 16 seconds to 12 seconds 

Additionally, we have another change for her in mind that we’re currently testing internally. This iteration charges her primary fire beam to level 3 faster to help compensate for less tanks and shields to charge it up. We’re not sure if this change will stick, but our goal is to make Symmetra feel more natural in Overwatch 2. 

Note that these changes are not permanent given we are in the beta phase and all, so expect continued tweaks to come both the heroes’ (and other heroes’) way as the beta progresses.
Blizzard has also mentioned that they are looking into Zenyatta and Sojourn as two heroes that might need to be “tuned down” a bit before launch, so expect more on that soon.
Source: Overwatch

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