Payday 3: No Plans to Change Progression System for Now, Aim Assist Fix, and More Changes Being Looked Into

Payday 3 Progression System

Not a fan of how the Payday 3 progression system? If so, we have some bad news for you, as even if multiple players aren’t happy with how it works now, Starbreeze has no intention of changing it…at least for the time being.

This was revealed by the studio alongside other bits of info earlier today during the Payday 3 dev Twitch stream. According to Starbreeze, they want to keep it the way it is wherein challenges are the only way to gain XP.  Alongside this, the devs confirmed that a fix for aim assist and other items items are being looked into.

“We don’t have any plans today to change how the progression works, however, we are seeing requests and concerns around how the challenges are communicated to players. Something we’re evaluating right now is, how can we make that more intuitive and how can we frontload that information to players? So, a couple examples of this could be categorizing challenges more so you don’t have to look for them as you do today, and also adding recommended challenges so you get recommendations based on how you are progressing and what heists you want to jump into, and so on.” – Almir Listo, Global Brand Director, and Andreas Penninger, Lead Producer on Payday 3

List of UI/UX items currently under consideration (no timeframe):

  • In-Chat Lobby
  • Unready Button
  • Mutable Heist Briefs
  • Renaming Loadouts
  • Improvements to Challenges
  • KBM Support on Console
  • Quick Play

There’s also a new skill tree called “Transporter” being worked on with one skill in it giving the player the ability to carry two bags.

Note that none of these have any timetable on when they’ll be released, as Starbreeze has said that these are items they are “evaluating” for future patches.

List of QoL things they are working on
byu/Slushyman56 inpaydaytheheist

Speaking of progression, we mentioned how that part of the game didn’t really feel right in our review.  As for the game’s first post-release patch, there is one expected to drop this October 5, but it won’t be a big one based on what the devs have shared.

Thanks, Ju5raj, vacant_dream, Gold_Wrongdoer_8562

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