Rumor: Death Stranding 2 Full Title May Be “On the Beach,” Reveal Imminent

death stranding 2 full title

Thanks to a reputable leaker, we may finally know the Death Stranding 2 full title ahead of an upcoming reveal. According to the leaker, the next Kojima game’s full title is “Death Stranding 2 – On the Beach,” and a reveal event is likely happening sometime within the next couple weeks.

The new title was posted in an article by well-known leaker billbil-kun on the Dealabs Magazine website. Apparently, their sources claim that the subtitle “On the Beach” is a key part of Death Stranding 2’s title. Beach iconography is no stranger to the series, as the first game’s initial reveal trailer put a naked Norman Reedus on a beach with a bunch of dead whales. What’s more, the Beach acts as a halfway point between life and death in the Death Stranding universe.

The title is likely also influenced by the 1959 film “On the Beach.” It’s a film that centers around the aftermath of nuclear warfare and the impending doom of worldwide fallout from the dropping of bombs. It’s also one of Death Stranding 2 Director Hideo Kojima’s favorite movies:

The article from billbil-kun also estimates that we’ll likely see a second reveal for the game in the next 15 days. That’s a pretty small window for an announcement, but it’s definitely plausible. He cites reliable industry insider Jeff Grubb’s report that a State of Play will take place sometime soon as evidence that the reveal could take place within Sony’s own showcase event.

We haven’t seen anything of Death Stranding 2 since its initial reveal at The Game Awards in 2022. We’ve heard bits and pieces from Kojima and others as time has gone on, but it’s well past time for another look at the game. We’re anxious to see more of what Sam “Porter” Bridges and the supporting cast has in store for us.

As we always say, take this information with a plate of salt. Until we have firm confirmation of the game’s full title, we can’t bank on anything. That being said, what do you think of Death Stranding 2’s potential full title? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Dealabs Magazine

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