Treyarch: Black Ops Cold War Scorestreaks Promotes “Fun” for Mid-Tier Players, Won’t Reward Bad Ones

Black Ops Cold War Beta Update October 18

With the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War multiplayer reveal this week, one of the biggest changes ushered in by Treyarch is how the Black Ops Cold War scorestreaks system has been revamped, so that it does’t reset upon death.

This is a big departure from any Call of Duty game, as kill or scorestreaks that chains score/kills together to call in support or high-powered offensive streaks has long been a staple of the franchise, with the important aspect that you do not die while doing so. Over on Twitter, Call of Duty Game Designer Tony Flame offered his thoughts on the new scorestreak system and gives the studio’s reasoning behind it in answering fans.

Answering gamer questions and sentiments, Flame mentions that the new scorestreak system will let “middle-tier” playes to also participate in the fun, and isn’t a way to reward bad players.

Flame was then asked about giving objectives higher points for streaks, ad he answers that what we have now isn’t set in stone, and they’ll start reviewing data once everybody is playing to know what works.

On the subjective of competitive play, Flame adds that they are still developing the streaks system for that.

Speaking of streak, check out this quick look at the points value of some of the streaks available in the alpha.

You should also check out how the time-to-kill is in Black Ops Cold War in comparison to past Call of Duty games.

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