Turn Your Xbox Series S Portable With This 12.5″ IPS Monitor Attachment

xbox series s portable monitor

Fancy enjoying your Xbox Series S even outside the comforts of your own home? Then you’re in luck, as there’s an option currently available, and you can consider checking out this interesting new portable monitor for the Xbox Series S, packed with unique features and design choices.

Highlighted by YouTuber ETA PRIME, this G-STORY 12.5″ portable monitor is an interesting detachable portable monitor for the Xbox Series S. It completely encloses the small console, acting as a pseudo-lid that clasps atop the enclosure. The display itself uses an IPS panel at 1080p resolution, runs at 60Hz and with FreeSync compatibility.

The display is powered separately via an external adapter, but can also be powered via a special USB adapter. However, as shown in the video above, it will shut off when it draws too much power; in the instance shown, at peak brightness and 70 percent volume the screen completely turns off.

The portable monitor is being sold over at Amazon, although at the time of writing it is completely sold out, pointing to the popularity of this interesting attachment. Strangely enough, G-STORY also sells portable monitors for the Xbox Series X, which looks just as bizarre as you’d imagine.

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