Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Double XP Set for Different Modes This Week

black ops 4 double xp

While Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare might be the latest games in the Call of Duty line up, there’s still a fair amount of players spending their time with Treyarch’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Well, if you’re one of the many people still playing it, Black Ops 4 double XP is happening this week!

Black Ops 4 players can expect 2XP One in the Chamber this week, where players will start with the Annihilator and a single bullet and work their way to get more bullets by killing players. Here’s what’s coming down the line this week for Black Ops 4 in terms of playlist updates:

·      Multiplayer – 2XP One in the Chamber, Nuketown, Barebones Moshpit, Bolt-Action Barebones Moshpit, Mercenary Deathmatch Moshpit

·      Blackout – Hot and Heavy (Hot Pursuit and Heavy Metal Heroes), Alcatraz Portals Quads, Quads, Duos, Solos

·      Zombies – Blood of the Dead

Speaking of Treyach and Call of Duty, rumors have surfaced since last year that this year’s Call of Duty game will once again be made by Treyarch. Hopefully, it’ll be more like Black Ops 2 more than anything else.

Source: Activision

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