Alan Wake 2 Inventory – How to Increase Space and Find All Satchels

Alan Wake 2 Inventory - How to Increase Inventory Space Guide

Are you finding that you have too much equipment but not enough space in Alan Wake 2? The good news is you can upgrade the inventory space in Alan Wake 2. The bad news is that it requires some extra exploring and work. The good thing for you is that we also know the location of each upgrade, showing you how to increase inventory space in Alan Wake 2. 

Now, before we get, we’ll point out that each character, Alan Wake and Saga Anderson, has their own inventory space and upgrades. This means that because you increased inventory with one character, it does not mean the other increased. You have to find an upgrade for each character, though Saga has four rows to unlock, whereas Alan only has one. 

So let’s start with Saga Anderson first, since her first two inventory upgrades are fairly early in the game. 

How to Increase Inventory Space in Alan Wake 2 and All Satchel Locations:

Alan Wake 2 Inventory – How to Increase Space – Satchel Location – Saga Anderson

Saga uses satchels to increase her inventory space. These can be found around the world and hidden in some cult caches.

Satchel Location #1 – Chapter Return 2 The Heart

As I mentioned in our previous Shotgun location guide, shortly after starting Chapter 2, you’ll be tasked with finding Nightingale’s heart. Make your way back to  Cauldron Lake and follow the objective, eventually leading you to the general store. This is where you’ll face your first Taken enemy. After dealing with them, if you were to head to the back of the store, behind where the Taken showed up, you should notice a display case on the wall carrying the shotgun. Below it is a set of cabinets, with the first satchel here. Pick it up, and you’ll receive your first inventory upgrade. 

Satchel Location #2 – End of Chapter Return 2 The Heart / Start of Chapter Return 3 No Chance

The next satchel isn’t that far away from the last one but will require you to complete the chapter. Once you’ve reached the end of the chapter and the chapter music plays, a cutscene featuring Saga and Casey on the shore of the lake will play out. Once that’s completed, you’ll start making your way back to your vehicle. The path is to the left of Casey, underneath a fallen tree. 

Eventually, this will lead to a split, one path going up the hill back to the parking lot, the other under some tree branches along the shoreline. Take that path, and you’ll see a Cult Cache at the end. 

To unlock it, all you have to do is keep an eye on the order the light flashes on the keypad. Once you’ve entered the three buttons, the cache will unlock giving you your second inventory upgrade. 

Satchel Location #3 – End of Return 5 Old Gods/ Start of Chapter Return 6 Scratch 

This last and final satchel for Saga won’t be available until much later in the game. Eventually, the story will take you to a nursing home, and you’ll begin the Old Gods Chapter, leading to an overlap that must be closed. Upon fingering out how to close the overlap, you will, at some point, find the Bolt Cutters. It’s unmissable and required for the final satchel. 

Once you’ve resolved the overlap, you’ll head back to Bright Falls. The town has a Fresh Seafood refinery, and the entrance is locked. This is where the bolt cutters come in, opening the fenced door. To the right is a small shack with a Cult Cache. The solution is: 697. Open it, and the final satchel upgrade for Saga will be here, along with the Lighthouse Key. 

Satchel Location #4 – Still looking for This One


Alan Wake 2 Inventory – How to Increase Space – Word of Power Location – Alan Wake

Increasing Inventory space for Alan Wake is different than for Saga, as no satchels can be found in the Dark Place. Instead, he has Word of Power, which offers him different upgrades, one of which unlocks one row (versus four) of additional inventory space. 

Sadly, this upgrade comes in rather late game in his campaign. 

Word of Power – Word of Stuff –  Inventory Upgrade – Chapter Initiation 5 Room 665 – Alan Wake 

You’ll need to progress in Wake’s story until it leads you to the Oceanside Hotel. 

There will be things you need to do as part of the story, so do all that, and as soon as you get inside the hotel’s ballroom (required for the story), you’ll see a bar. Behind the counter, on the ceiling, is a Word of Power, the Word of Stuff that can be used to upgrade Alan Wake’s inventory. 


You should now have all the inventory slots available for both Saga and Alan. This will help you manage your items better, as you won’t need to frequently drop things or store them in the shoebox to make more room. 

Sadly, the last two upgrades do become available right around the end of the game, though once New Game Plus is released, you should be able to utilize that extra spacing better. Until then, you’ll have to keep surviving in the Dark Place with what you got. 

If you found this guide helpful, you may want to check out our other Alan Wake 2 guides, which go over some weapon locations and the best settings to run the game with. 

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