Battlefield 2042 Breakthrough End of Round Attacker & Defender Switch Reverted by DICE After Player Feedback

Battlefield 2042 Update 1.22

It seems DICE made a little change to Battlefield 2042’s Breakthrough game mode when patch 2.1 was released. With the change, every end of round, the attackers and defenders would switch sides before moving on to a new map.

Apparently, this didn’t sit well with players, as DICE has announced today that they have reverted the change.

The complete announcement is as follows:

In Season 2, we changed the behavior of Breakthrough and Rush to automatically switch from Attacker and Defender after EoR, and before moving to a new map

Through your feedback, it’s clear that this is introducing frustration and is not contributing to a beneficial matchmaking experience

We see more of you returning to the front end and separately queing to enter a new round than remaining in the server to switch sides

Today, we have taken the decision to disable this function with the change being immediate within the game

Going forward, we will continue to look for improvements around your matchmaking experience in Battlefield 2042

Speaking of unannounced changes, we posted a huge list of stealth changes DICE has made to the game with patch 2.1, which the community found out about.

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