Battlefield 5 Firestorm Australia Servers Virtually Discontinued

battlefield 5 firestorm australia servers

If you’re a Battlefield 5 Firestorm fan, and you’re in Australia (New Zealand or other parts of Oceania), you’ve most likely experienced how hard it is to find a Firestorm match. Well, you’re not alone. Over on Reddit, CiaranDoherty has posted that for all intents and purposes, the Battlefield 5 Firestorm Australia servers have been virtually killed off, as players not only have to wait a long, long time for matches, but even if they do get in, the pings are at an unplayable level.

Here’s CiaranDoherty’s full statement:

Just to put it very clearly and simply so that there is no confusion amongst the community at large: Firestorm is not a playable mode in Australia, NZ and the rest of Oceania.

What began as 10+ minute wait times for each match and a minimum of 190 ping has finally reached the point of it being essentially impossible to play the game at any time of day in any mode. For all intents and purposes, there is no such thing as Firestorm in this continent and to EA/DICE, your marketing material should reflect this. Please do not advertise Firestorm here, there are no players, no functional servers and no possibility for anyone buying the game for Firestorm to actually get what they paid for.

I can only assume that the rest of the world is going to experience this outcome within a matter of days/weeks because I am already seeing posts from US and EU users of the long wait times and high pings that we started with over here. So be warned, don’t invest to much personally/financially/emotionally into Firestorm because it appears to be dying at an extremely rapid pace.

Disclaimer: I love(d) Firestorm.

If you’re a Battlefield 5 Firestorm player from Australia, let us know if things have improved or not in the comments.

In other Battlefield 5 news, go check out gameplay footage of the still-unreleased Boys AT Rifle right here. And speaking of servers, DICE has announced that the rent a server (RPS) program for BF5 will launch later this summer. Read on for more info regarding that here. In the meantime, you can also invest in a faster, better, and more stable internet connection. You can check out some of the best ISPs ahead to make the right selection at the end of the day.

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5 years ago

Even for a GaaS, this is pathetic.

Felipe Gabriel Gonzalez
Felipe Gabriel Gonzalez
5 years ago

Same happens to southamerican players (brasil server) endless queue +190 ping… this is further than unplayable, fuck dice and EA

Keith Neilson
Keith Neilson
4 years ago

Can’t say I’m not surprised. It’s shit! And now one wanted it in the first place. They spent all that time developing a game mode that goes against what Battlefield is about when they could have finished the core game which is clearly underwhelming with content. They have messed up massively with BFV, right from the start. It hasn’t gone anywhere. Went back to BF1 3 weeks ago and it’s still a work of art, the sounds, atmosphere, pinch point battles, loads of maps and great maps. I’m gutted BFV couldn’t build on it. Also despise EA and have done for years. They are not a force for good at all and seem out of touch from what their customers want.

4 years ago

Im in Australia and could only play firestorm on release day, even since that it just times out when searching 🙁 i think the mode was amazing but cant believe EA is not fixing this issue!! There are alot people in Aus/NZ that want to play but have given up. Its officially NOT playable on xbox here.. what a shame, everyone has moved on now anyway..

Hates bad writers.
Hates bad writers.
5 years ago

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer game.

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