Call of Duty: WWII Beginner Tips – How to Hold Your Own in Multiplayer

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[tps_title]Playing War? Bring Some Smoke to the Party[/tps_title]

call of duty ww2 file size

One of the new additions to Call of Duty this year is the introduction of War mode. Think of it as a Battlefield-like objective-based matches where your K/D doesn’t matter, there are no scorestreaks, and people must work together in order to win. 

If you’re planning on spending a lot of time on War mode, make sure to have a class that has a the smoke grenade! You can’t edit loadouts once you’re in a match, so have one loadout ready for making sure an objective is captured since the attacking side will need lots of cover to escort a tank, build a bridge, and so on. 

Do it, and thank us later.

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