Report: Marvel’s Avengers Will Feature Ultron as an Upcoming Boss, Unreleased Artifacts Details Leaked

With Crystal Dynamics finally revealing the Marvel’s Avengers roadmap, possibly one of the biggest upcoming additions mentioned there is the introduction of the villain Klaw in summer, it seems there’s another Marvel’s Avengers upcoming boss that’s coming out soon-ish as well, and that’s none other than Ultron!

This was unearthed by reliable Marvel’s Avengers dataminer Miller, who shared details regarding that villain, as well as the others:

The only upcoming bosses I’ve observed progress on post-launch are Klaw and Ultron. Red Hulk exists but hasn’t been touched in ages. He may have been abandoned like War Machine, though I suspect aspects of him live on in Fire Adaptoids and Abomination.

Some misc. notes:
– “Kree boss” is test data from prototyping
– “Deathlok” is misinterpreted War Machine data
– Frostbite/Frenzy/Vindicator/Ghost are all similarly misinterpreted misc. data
– Nothing additional re: Loki in the data, but he’s in merch and clearly teased

In addition to that, a bunch of upcoming or work-in-progress artifacts have been peeked into as well.

Hopefully, the contents mentioned here are dropping sometime this year given promised content like Spider-Man for PlayStation gamers has already been pushed back.

Same as in every datamined info, nothing here has been officially acknowledged by Crystal Dynamics, so don’t be shocked if Ultron is scrapped (yes, I went there) and doesn’t see the light of day.

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