Report: Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Post-Launch Content Datamined, Expect Seasons and Episodes

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League delayed

While Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’s endgame has already been detailed alongside a tease for the Joker DLC, it looks like a recent datamine has unearthed what to expect from Rocksteady Studios regarding the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League post-launch content plans.

Outed by reputable leaker Miller Ross, we see an outline for the first few seasons, as well as “episodes.”

(Note: While the info below is not official and not confirmed by WB or Rocksteady, it might still be considered spoiler-ish in nature, so proceed at your own discretion).

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Post-Launch Content Datamine:


According to Miller, the game launches into what’s coined as “Season 0,” which is what’s also known as the pre-season in other online multiplayer games. Each season is split into two episodes, though Season 0 only has one episode.

Here’s what Miller currently knowns about the game’s post-launch plans:



Episode 1: N/A [Launch; Campaign and post-game] Episode 2: Finite Crisis

Episode 1: Fear [+ Joker]
Episode 2: Duality

Episode 1: Frozen Heart [+
Episode 2: Winter

SEASON 3 [this seems to coincide with Halloween] Episode 1: Thieves [+ Lawless]
Episode 2: Balance

Episode 1: Assassin [+ Deathstroke] Episode 2: Control

YEAR 2 [this isn’t sorted into seasons (yet?) and is generally kinda amorphous]

Episode 1: Focus [+ ??? “Focus” seems closest to Katana out of the year 2 names I’ve heard] Episode 2: Finality

STORYLINE 2 [my theory is that this won’t happen if the game bombs and is a clear ending point if they want out]

Based on our conversation with Miller, players will be hunting down a specific enemy in each episode (which we won’t name to avoid spoiling the game), and this is the game’s first post-launch storyline. Furthermore, it’s understood that each new playable character will be released in the first episode of each new season. Players can expect each character to have a tie-in to the episode they’re set to be released, and that will be reflected in the title.

Same as with any datamined info, nothing here has been confirmed by the developers, so take it with a grain of salt, That said, Miller has been pretty spot-on with their previous datamines and leaks, so we’re running this one with confidence.

Given the game’s closed alpha is in the hands of a lot of gamers, it’s not surprising to see stuff about it seeping out via datamine. Chances are, this won’t be the last time we see something datamined for the game.

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League flies out this February 2, but will be available starting January 30 for Deluxe Edition buyers on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

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