Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Will Let You Earn Gear and Rewards for Your Friends, Even If They’re Offline

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League friends offline

Rocksteady is introducing a rather unique and brilliant feature in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League that’ll make grinding much easier for players, as they can earn gear and rewards for their friends, even if they go offline for the night. 

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League creator and press embargo lifted today, with many new details being revealed, including a new returning Batman villain. But one very cool feature pointed out by content creator Laajune during his game coverage is that Rocksteady has added more ways for players to earn loot. 

While Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is being marketed as a cooperative online looter shooter, you can play the game solo. The additional members of the Suicide Squad will be played by bots, with a feature that lets you pull your friend’s characters into your game. It’s not a feature we haven’t seen before, but what’s cool about this is that any gear and rewards they collect while playing with you, that loot will be waiting for your friends in their inventory the next time they log in.

 As Laajune explains it, this means that someone could technically play all day and night while you’re doing something else, making your character stronger without progressing their story. 

Honestly, this has to be one of the coolest features I’ve seen in a looter shooter, as often it can become very tedious to grind through a game, especially for new players. This mechanic will help immensely and promote farming more effectively. 

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League will be launching on February 2 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Early access will be available starting January 30 for Deluxe Edition buyers. 

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3 months ago

There’s nothing cool about that feature at all. What is wrong with you people? Earning loot without even playing the game is flat out retarded.

Reply to  whatevs
3 months ago

L Take, not everyone has the time to play GAAS, and all this does is help those people out. Sounds like it’s optional too. Way better than the alternative of possible charging for boosters and such

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