Star Wars Battlefront II Classes Detailed: Star Cards, Abilities, Specialties & More


Fast, tough, and very effective at close-to-medium range, Assault clears the path and punches their way through enemy lines.


Assault moves quickly and excels at overcoming defenders and taking positions. Each class can equip Star Cards to modify and enhance their combat abilities. A few examples of the ability Star Cards for the Assault class are:

  • Thermal Detonator: A basic grenade with a large blast radius and high damage, operating on a timed fuse.
  • Vanguard Replenish: Mark enemies to make them easier to hunt down. Sprint faster. Draw a close-range weapon that builds no heat during the active time of this ability. When you perform a kill, the active time of this ability is replenished.
Specialty: Attack
Mobility: High
Team Roles: Direct attack, flanking
Durability :Moderate
Weapon (Light): DC-15A
Weapon (Dark): E-5
Weapon (Both): CR-2

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