DICE: “No Plans” to Use Leaked Battlefield 2042 Santa Clause Skin This Holiday, Shows Incoming Weapon Cosmetics

Battlefield 2042 Santa Clause Skin

Earlier today, DICE rolled out Update 3 for Battlefield 2042 that not only included a ton of gameplay-related tweaks, but it also accidentally leaked a Battlefield 2042 Santa Clause skin for one of the Specialists, which didn’t exactly go over well with the Battlefield community.

With this in mind, the studio has gone on Twitter to explain the leak, and why it was there in the first place. We’ve included the base tweet, as well as compiled all the relevant tweets in one spot for an easier read.

Today some of you accidentally got a glimpse of some Holiday themed cosmetics and we wanted to help clarify their intended usage #Battlefield

Here’s a thread where we can help to share some insight

Development for Live Service requires us to work months in advance, and enables us to have options when we reach key moments in our first year

Today, we have other priorities, and so whilst we have the skins, we presently have no plans to utilize all of them this Holiday.

We also create unique cosmetics for single time use in special #Battlefield Portal modes to further enhance the fantasy in special events.

Throughout our live service, you may occasionally encounter these mode locked cosmetics, which don’t impact the rest of the game.

It provides all of us working on #Battlefield with exciting new opportunities that let us explore with more creative freedom than before.

Having you all along for the journey is something we don’t take for granted, and we’ll be grateful to hear your experience with those modes.

Separately, we’ll be starting our weekly missions next week where you’ll be challenged to complete objectives, and be rewarded with new skins

Once earned, you’ll gain new items for your Collection and we’ll have new skins available to unlock each week on the road to Season One



Well, there you have it! This is something that wasn’t intended to be used in the first place. That said, I doubt this bit of revelation will do anything to calm the BF horde down.

In your opinion are some of the Battlefield community members just a tad too touchy with a bunch of harmless cosmetic items or is this something that should never be in the game in the first place? Sound off and let us know your thoughts down in the comments below.

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