Modern Warfare Communication Issues Acknowledged by Infinity Ward, Nuke Calling Card Incoming

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If you’ve been keeping tabs on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, chances are you’ve seen people gripe about skill based matchmaking or some other issue the game currently has. Unfortunately though, Infinity Ward hasn’t really been active in replying to their community, but for the first time since launch, someone at the studio acknowledged the Modern Warfare communication issues.

Over on the Modern Warfare subreddit, studio Lead Art Director Joel Emslie responded to a message asking why he’s responding more than the studio’s Community Manager.

Per Emslie:

Almost all of the responses I’ve been discussing in this sub are in my area of expertise so I can be very open. As long as we are on the topic. I would like to ask everyone in the community to give my co-workers a lot more respect in the area of comms. Everyone is working as hard as they can and doing a phenomenal job. I do think and none of us would argue, that we need to find better ways to get the community information about the game. We are working on it and with anything this big theres always room for improvement.

I can see how things are misunderstood in this area. Trust me. I work right along side them and they have been working their asses off on this project along with countless other people. There is so much that happens behind the scenes that isn’t forward facing to the community. Yes we need to find ways to improve our back and forth. Thats all of our responsibility not just a few that have been active out of the studio.

This is the first time someone over at the studio has acknowledged that there are even any Modern Warfare communication issues, and it’s honestly a welcome sight. Let’s hope that this is the start of something bigger moving forward.

In related news, for those who are good enough (or just lucky enough) to earn a 30-kill streak just using weapons and thus earn a Nuke in the game, Infinity Ward does have plans to include a Nuke calling card, which is something fans have expected from the franchise in every iteration.

When asked about this by a communitymemner, Emslie mentioned that they are working on it, but estimated time for release just yet.

This is also good news for the community. Also other good news? Infinity Ward has confirmed that more custom loadout slots are coming very soon.

More Modern Warfare Reading:

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